٤٧ فائدة ونصيحة في بداية العام الدراسييمر الإنسان في حياته بمحطات بعضها يبني وبعضها يهدم، وبعضها يكون سببا للسعادة، وبعضها يكون طريقا للأحزان، وبعضها من قصرها كأنها ساعات، وبعضها من طولها كأنها سنوات. لكن تبقى الحقيقة أن تلك تمر وتلك تمر، ويبقى ما قدمه الإنسان فيها من عمل. .... المزيد |
٤٠ فائدة ونصيحة في الاختباراتهذه فـوائد وخلاصات ونصائح في الاختبارات: - التوكل على الله مع الأخذ بأسباب النجاح والتوفـق، من المذاكرة والاجتهـاد في التحصيل، ومراجعة المقررات جيدا مع قرب الامتحانات. - الالتجــاء إلى الله بالدعاء والتوفيق والتيسير والسداد، وطلب رضا الوالدين ودعائهما. - اذكر الله كثيرا وتبرأ من حولك وقوتك، واستعن بالله، ولا تغتر بحفظك وفهمك. .... المزيد |
The Ways of Allaah with His CreationIt is clear that the Syrian people are suffering from oppression, destruction, tyranny and bloodshed. The youth and children are being murdered, and the old and young arrested. Their honor has been violated and they have been stripped of their property. Their homes and lands have been destroyed and occupied. Their mosques have been demolished and their Mus-hafs burned. .... المزيد |
Lust for LeadershipOne of the things that lead to the corruption of the heart's sincerity and Tawheed (belief in the Oneness of Allaah), increase one's longing for this worldly life, and lead to the abandonment of the Hereafter, is lust for leadership. It is a severe disease in the name of which people squander their money and shed blood. .... المزيد |
How to read a book ?All praise is for Allaah, we praise Him, seek His forgiveness, and seek His refuge from the evils of ourselves and the evils of our actions. Whoever Allaah guides, then none can misguide them, and whoever He misguides, then none can guide them. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship besides Allaah the Exalted, Alone, without any partners, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger .... المزيد |
What you should do in the following situations•Introduction • Tahaarah (purity and cleanliness) • Salaah (prayer) • Rulings about forgetfulness during prayer • Miscellaneous rulings • General behavior and Sunnah of the Prophet of Allaah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam .... المزيد |
Weakness of FaithContents • Introduction • Symptoms of weak faith • Causes of weak faith • Curing weak faith .... المزيد |