الأربعاء 21 شعبان 1446 هـ :: 19 فبراير 2025 م
مناشط الشيخ
  • يتم بث جميع البرامج عبر قناة زاد واليوتيوب


All perfect praise is due to Allaah Who rose above the worlds in rank and essence; He overwhelmed His creation with His glory, might and power and commanded us to contemplate His verses and creation with our hearts and minds. His might and exaltedness confounds the hearts of those seeking His pleasure. Whenever they think they have reached the answer in their quest to know about Him, His endless astonishing might makes them give up and stop attempting to find the limit and boundaries of His might and glory. And when they attempt to give up, they are called to persevere in their search and ponder upon His attributes through the eye of servitude; they are called to contemplate upon their own creation to realize the extent and magnitude of His bounties, and to express gratitude for every bounty and glorify Him for every one and for the number of times these bounties are renewed. They are called to reflect on His Decrees and how they result in distinguishing people between believers and disbelievers, losers and winners, good people and evil people, and the appreciative and ungrateful. May Allaah exalt the mention of Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, the master of the children of Aadam, who did not consider his lofty status something to brag or boast about, and may Allaah exalt the mention of his household and his Companions who became shining stars.